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Jelinek Named Prior-Administrator

M. Mountin

Brother Guy Jelinek, OSB has been appointed Prior-Administrator of St. Procopius Abbey, following the resignation of Abbot Austin Murphy, OSB. Br. Guy's role as administrator began Monday, June 24, and will continue until the next Abbot is chosen.

Born in Berwyn, Ill., Br. Guy made his monastic profession on June 24, 1972. He was appointed prior in 2012, serving on the Abbey's Senior Council and overseeing the Abbey whenever the Abbot was away.

In addition to his duties as Prior, Br. Guy spent 50 years teaching biology at Benet Academy. He also has served as the Director of Vocations, Abbey Florist, Church Decorator, committee work, as well as a number of other assignments monks receive.

1 Comment

Aug 02, 2024

It’s 12:49 AM, and I’m 82 and not a techi by any stretch of the imagination. Good night and God bless all at St. Procopius. Good night, rest well.

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